Crypto Wallet for Base

Safest and easiest wallet for Base L2, tracking all tokens, DeFi, and NFTs
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Unlock Exclusive Features

Any tokens
Added automatically
DeFi positions
Including LPs, staked assets, and rewards
NFTs on Base
Added automatically
secure crypto

Bridge and swap in one go

Find the best price across 1Inch and 0x

Easy-to-read transaction history

See all your transactions on Base and all other networks in one feed the go.

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What makes Base different?

Base is Coinbase’s Layer-2 (L2) network for scaling Ethereum. It’s built for builders and aims to bring the next billion users onchain. Its seamless integration with Coinbase makes it easy to reach its wide user base.
Powered by Optimism’s open-source OP Stack, Base is an optimistic rollup. Base plans to be increasingly decentralized in the next few years and eventually become part of Optimism’s “superchain” of L2s.

Explore the Base ecosystem

aerodrome logo
Based on Velodrome V2, it’s AMM that serves central trading and liquidity marketplace on Base. Protocols can offer rewards and incentive LPs to provide liquidity for their tokens.
One of the most successful SoFi apps, which bills itself as “the marketplace for your friends”. A v2 is coming up in April.
A shared pixel canvas, where the community collaboratively makes art for 24 hours. After that, the artwork is available as NFT to mint for 24 hours.


What is Base L2?

Base L2 is optimistic rollup by Coinbase. Created using Optimism’s OP Stack, Base leverages Coinbase’s distribution with the goal of bringing a billion users onchain.

How does Base network work?

Base network is Layer-2 network that moves computations offchain and only posts a summary of transactions to Ethereum. This helps to make transactions at least 10x cheaper than the mainnet Ethereum while maintaining a high level of security.

How do I get on Base network?

With MetaMasks and most other wallets, you need to manually add the Base network’s RPC settings. With Zerion Wallet, Base is available by default — just bridge ETH or tokens and they will other automatically show in your wallet for Base.

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